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Why would a man go to burst your bladder?

The question of whether to burst the bladder, doctors urologists are asked quite often. People have a strong opinion that it really can happen, if a long time to empty the bladder, and tells many scary stories on this topic, but most of them are far from reality. Let's see whether such a risk exists and how much is actually justified these fears and concerns.

Take a look at what the bladder from the anatomical point of view. It is an organ of the excretory system of the person performing the function of collection reservoir for urine (urine), which she from time to time taken out. Its walls consist of muscle tissue, they are very flexible and allow you to increase in size during filling by 2.5 times. The average capacity of the urinary bladder is 500-700 ml, but this value can vary greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. This unpaired organ, anatomically located in the pelvis, lower abdomen behind the pubic bone from possible injuries he protected the bones of the pelvis and tight muscles of the peritoneum, however, excessive filling of the upper part can bulge into the abdominal cavity and to increase the level of its vulnerability to external influences.

When there is a rupture of the bladder?

Let's just abandon the phrase "burst bladder" as far from correct, that's not a balloon, it is the body which nature has provided very high resistance to loads and a large margin of safety. Therefore, we will use the term "rupture of the bladder", as it is more correct from a medical point of view.

Fortunately, the cladding integrity (rupture) of the bladder in medical practice a rare phenomenon. This can only happen in the event of a violent impact from the outside or in clinical cases where the outflow of fluid from the bladder is completely blocked (the effects of the adenoma or cancer of the prostate gland in men, a narrowing of the urethra). For a healthy body disregard even a strong urge to urinate with a full bladder to cause rupture cannot. In this case, when the critical pressure in the bladder just relaxes sphincter and spontaneous evacuation. Nature provided in the first place the survival of the organism, and no fear to be embarrassed in a social sense can not this the main task outweigh.

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Can sometimes be diagnosed spontaneous rupture as a consequence of severe diseases, such as adenoma, prostate cancer or urethral stricture (narrowingthe urethra).

Clinical pathology

Along with distinct pain syndrome (pain in the pubic area and below the navel of varying severity, worse in the supine position) for rupture of the bladder is also typical the following symptoms:

  • haematuria (blood in the urine);
  • edema or swelling and skin discoloration in the groin and over the pubic bone;
  • problems with urination (painful, delayed, frequent urge).

In the absence of medical help the victim develop symptoms of peritonitis (inflammation of abdominal cavity): fever, abdominal distension and tension of the muscles of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting.

In the diagnosis of applied research such as urinalysis for the presence of red blood cells, ultrasonography, urography and tomography. Laparoscopy is sometimes used.

Tactics and methods of treatment

It must be remembered that conservative treatment (without surgery) is possible only in case of injury of the bladder without compromising the integrity of its walls or if the doctor diagnosed micronutri extraperitoneal type of damage. In this case, the patient shows a catheterization urethral channel for a period of from several days to weeks, strict bed rest and receiving prescription drugs (antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and reducing blood drugs).

In other cases, immediate surgery is shown, which is made by suturing the rupture and drainage systems for the duration of the healing period.

In any case, if you suspect the symptoms described should contact the medical facility.

Only timely treatment to the doctor can prevent the dangerous consequences of this injury!

Preventive measures

Primary prevention of rupture of the bladder is in its timely delivery. This prevents stretching and thinning of its walls and makes it more resistant to damage. It is also useful to eliminate from the diet too salty, fried, smoked food and other junk food.

Take care of yourself, take care of yourself and stay healthy.