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What are the symptoms, causes and treatment of bladder cancer in women and men?

Bladder cancer in women symptoms which is quite similar to an ordinary cystitis is a common cancer. According to statistics, about 3 percent of the total weight of cancer patients is affected by the occurrence of tumors in the organs of urination. Followed by profuse bleeding, pain, pressure in the bladder area (this is always want to the toilet).

Signs of bladder cancer in patients each radically different. This is due to the fact that this cancer is invasive and non-invasive, i.e. penetrating through the wall of an organ or newstopia beyond. In the second case, made of sarcoma called benign. Usually, they can be removed by non-surgical (chemotherapy, exposure to radiation). In the second case, the symptoms may even occur a few years after the appearance of the first cancer cells.

The most effective method of diagnosis in this scenario is a microscopic urine analysis for the presence of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and cystoscopy (examination of the bladder cavity through the launch of the probe). Keep in mind that there are cases when non-invasive tumor with time transformirovalsya invasive. That is, it dramatically increases in size and grows in other organs, lymph nodes. That's why treatment should be addressed immediately, without waiting for the moment when the disease from remission, go into advanced stage. The consequences can be dire.

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Unfortunately, along with this they strike the part of healthy tissue followed by transuretralna resection (surgical removal of the affected area of the bladder). In extreme cases, appoint cystectomy (when lesions of the disease.

But in the second stage of cancer removal of bladder is required. Along with it the surgeon cuts other diseased tissue, a portion of the urinary channel, the front part of the vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries. Along with this, the girl loses the opportunity in the future to get pregnant and have a baby (even when using artificial insemination). During the operation, visually inspected and nearby lymph nodes for metastases. If any in the future can appoint additional examination, and then the patient goes to the radiation is the only way to destroy all the cancer cells in the body, regardless of their location and number. Unfortunately, it does not always relief, at least or eliminates pain symptoms - a lot depends on the individual defensive capabilities of one or the otherbody.

At the moment, widely practiced non-surgical treatment of bladder cancer. But it is used only if the disease was discovered in the beginning of its development, i.e. in the first or second stage. If the body will be able to get rid of cancer cells, then within 6 months have to be observed by an oncologist to prevent recurrence. The probability in this period remains very high - about 70 percent. This means that the tumor can come back, but in progressive form.

Anyway, the medicine effectively cope with treatment of bladder cancer. In 87 percent of cases the patient is completely relieved from the consequences of the disease, if drawn to the 0-2 stage. He prescribed a surgical procedure to completely remove the diseased mutated tissue, after which he is undergoing recovery (if occurred the input of chemicals). How difficult is it to live with a remote part of the bladder? Discomfort only occurs after the end of treatment. But after 2-3 months everything is back to normal and adapts to new working conditions".