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The human papillomavirus (HPV) high-risk types: diagnostics and treatment

The human papilloma virus or human papillomavirus is a great collection that includes almost 170 strains. Distinguish HPV of high oncogenic risk, HPV low oncogenic risk human papillomavirus noncoherence.

HPV is a fairly common virus. It cannot exist on its own and lives only in the human body. According to statistics, more than half of the world's population are carriers of the human papilloma virus. Many of the HPV is harmless viruses, which do not affect the body and human activity. The most dangerous is the human papillomavirus that causes cancer. Others HPV can cause on the human body, in most cases in the genital warts and warts.

Risk factors and symptoms of HPV infection

Basically, these viruses are transmitted through sexual contact. Therefore, in almost all cases, carriers of the human papilloma virus are people who are sexually active and frequently changed partners.

Causes of infection with human papillomavirus:

  • through sexual contact, including oral and anal;
  • from mother to child;
  • using common areas (baths, pools, gyms, public transport), if a person has damage on the skin;
  • while shaving may occur samsarajade.

Курение - причина развития ВПЧ

In women, the treatment of diseases which are caused by the HPV high-risk types, may be inefficient. This is due to the rare or late symptoms of the presence of the virus in the body.

Diagnosis of HPV high-risk types

Quick and urgent treatment requires just HPV high oncogenic risk, as it is often the cause of many cancers. If you experience multiple warts and warts should immediately consult a doctor who will help determine the oncogenic risk type of HPV:

  1. You must pass the external examination at the attending physician. The specialist must examine not only the skin, but also mucous membranes and genitals. A survey carried out by the gynecologist in women and urology in men. During the examination, the doctor always takes a swab.
  2. Upon detection of multiple warts on the genitals technician or doctor scrapes warts or condylomas. A biopsy of biological material will help to more accurately establish the type of human papillomavirus. To determine virus of high oncogenic risk, type 16 and 18, investigated HPV DNA.
  3. Digene-test. Only recently became widespread in medicine. During this test reveals the concentration of virus in the body and is defined by itsoncogenic type.
  4. Colposcopy is performed only in women. Doctor using a special instrument examines a woman's vagina and cervix. This may be done tests with acetic acid or iodine solution.
  5. Testing for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Analysis of blood and urine to diagnose a General condition of human organism and detection of infectious diseases.

In the female body HPV is completely dependent on the production of the hormone estrogen. In the period of aging and menopause, a large number of his derivative - estradiol. It negatively affects oncogenic types of human papilloma viruses and causing cancer. So after 40 every woman should be examined carefully for the presence of HPV in the body. Usually the virus does not manifest itself, and does not give symptoms for six to 12 months after infection. In some cases, for decades.

Treatment of human papillomavirus

The difficulty in the treatment of papilloma virus in humans is related to the fact that there are special drugs that are able to completely rid the human body from this disease.

It is possible to treat only the manifestations of HPV remove warts and cancerous tumors at the initial stage of the disease.

Must initially determine the reason why the virus began to develop in the human body. Usually, 9 times out of 10, their immune system to cope with the manifestations of the virus and slow its spread. But when hormonal surges and reducing the immunity of the virus there is a chance the outward manifestation of the formation of cancer cells. Neochanna types of HPV that manifest in the form of painless warts, it is advisable to remove and is not specifically treated, especially if they do not bring the person any anxiety.

Treatment in the form of removal is necessary in the development of papillomas of high oncogenic risk. For the removal of warts and warts uses cryotherapy (cold treatment) and electrotherapy. Doctor can remove the papilloma and the surgical technique using a scalpel, but this option try to resort in extreme cases. To literally "etched" warts drugs are used aggressively, alkali and acid. Among them, "Superkitten", "Kondilin" and others.

The removal of external symptoms of HPV are not talking about complete cure of the person. The virus remains in the body and may again occur at any time. After a mechanical impact is required additional medication. The main means of combating the virus's own immune system. Therefore, together with a numberantiviral drugs need to drink a course of immunomodulators. Only in such cases the possible positive effects. You can use the drugs "Tsikloferon", "Isoprenoid", "Imexon", "Interferon".

Preventive measures

The main way to prevent HPV is the normalization of sexual contact. It is desirable to have a single sexual partner, if there is none, protection against papillomavirus may be a simple condom. Another good measure of prevention against HPV is vaccination. It helps to prevent the disease in high-risk types and its symptoms: cancer.

If a virus does get into the human body, high immunity will not allow it to spread and stop the appearance of warts and warts. To enhance and support immunity, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, to drink a course of immunomodulators after each course of antibiotics. Sport and natural vitamins in fresh fruits, vegetables and juices is another way to maintain your immune system at the desired level. As a prevention of oncological diseases, which are caused by the HPV oncogenic high-level, need to undergo regular consultations and examinations by a gynecologist or urologist.